About Me

Hi! My name is Michelle. I am a wife and mother to 3 amazing boys. I am a registered dietitian nutritionist and life coach and I am passionate about helping people make lasting change to live a healthier life. 

As a dietitian, I believe that what you eat matters. But health is so much more than what you eat. Contrary to what our culture will tell you, it is also more than how you look. To me, a healthy lifestyle leads with heart. It is returning to a state of fundamental wholeness, reconnecting to your inner goodness and wisdom. From this place, the changes you seek in your life will be lasting and natural. It will lead to more than just health. It will lead to peace. 

As a dietitian, I am trained in intuitive eating. I also have training to use internal family systems informed techniques. With these tools, combined with a life coaching approach, I will guide you to go deep, discover what is holding you back, reconnect to your true self, and enable you to live the life you want from your healthiest self. 

Ready for the journey?