Exercise - Feel The Difference
Written by Michelle Shelton
January 3, 2024
It’s New Year's week and if you are like most people, you may be looking ahead to the coming year and considering what you want to accomplish, create, or become over the next 12 months. You may be setting goals and making plans to accomplish these things. And if you are like many of us, your goals may include exercising more in 2024. According to Statista.com, exercising more is the second most common New Year's resolution for Americans. They estimate up to 50% of Americans and 49% of people in the UK have resolved to exercise more in the coming year. If being more physically active is on your list of priorities for this year, this post is for you.
First, take a moment to reflect on your thoughts and attitude toward exercise. Are you looking forward to this goal to exercise more? Is it something you look forward to, something you enjoy? Or something you dislike, avoid, and feel guilty for not doing more? Maybe you are making this goal because you feel you “should”, or because it might help you lose weight or achieve your “ideal” body, but you’re not excited about the exercise itself. If you fall into the latter category, you are not alone. Some common reasons for this negative association with exercise are:
Exercising while dieting, leaving your body under fed with inadequate fuel to support the exercise.
Jumping into an exercise program too quickly, leading to over exercise or unrealistic amounts based on your current fitness level.
Starting with the intention of weight loss, leading to lack of motivation when weight loss goals were not achieved.
Past experiences of being teased for being uncoordinated or unfit.
Experiencing weight stigma when going to the gym.
There is plenty of evidence showing the importance of movement and exercise to achieve optimal health outcomes. The good news, it doesn’t have to be miserable or painful to receive these benefits. You can include movement into your routine in a way that feels good and supports your natural rhythm. Here are some tips to consider:
Focus on How It Feels
Rather than focusing on calories burnt, focus on how the exercise makes you feel. Notice how you feel during and immediately after. Pay attention to differences later in your day. You may notice changes in the following areas:
Stress Level: Are you able to handle stress better? Are you less edgy, more able to roll with the punches?
Energy Level: Do you feel more alert? If you exercise in the morning, does it make you feel more awake?
General Well-being: Do you notice a change in your outlook or perspective?
Sense of Empowerment: Do you feel more determined, more ready to take on the day ahead?
Sleep: Do you sleep more soundly and wake up more refreshed?
Noting the difference in how you feel when you exercise can become a strong motivator to continue exercising.
Decouple Exercise from Weight Loss
The many benefits of exercise are independent of weight loss. Focusing only on weight can create a sense of frustration and lack of motivation if the weight loss is not in line with hopes or expectations. Exercise for the sake and many benefits of exercise alone, regardless of weight.
Focus on Exercise as Self Care
Exercise is an important element of any self-care routine. There are many well-documented benefits to exercise, including:
Increased stress tolerance
Increased bone strength
Decreased blood pressure
Reduced risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, hypertension, stroke, and some types of cancer
Improved cholesterol levels
Increased heart and lung strength
Higher lean muscle mass, which also helps with increased metabolism
Improved mood
Improved learning and memory, and delayed cognitive decline
When exercise is simply seen as a tool for weight loss or body sculpting, it is easy for the motivation to ebb and flow as your motivation for weight loss ebbs and flows. If it is used as punishment or payback for overeating or breaking your diet rules, it is natural to resist and even dread it. If, instead, exercise is something you enjoy, if it is a way you care for and show up for yourself, if it is aligned with your values of body wisdom and body love, it will be much easier to prioritize and even look forward to movement in your regular routine.
Credit: Intuitive Eating 4th Edition, Tribole & Resch, 2020.