To All the Orchids

To all the orchids out there…

I want you to know that you are beautiful. I want you to know that if you didn’t get what you needed as a child to thrive and reach your full beauty, it wasn’t your fault. I want you to know that despite the lack of care from your early years, you deserve better care now. I want you to know that you no longer need to look outward for that care, that you have all that you need right inside you. I want you to know that it isn’t too late to bloom into the beautiful flower you were always meant to be.

This space is for you. Let’s bloom together.


To all the highly sensitive people out there…

I want you to know you hold the superpower this world needs right now. You understand the heart. Maybe at one point you learned to close your heart because you sensed how vulnerable it was in this harsh world. I invite you today to open your heart back up. You have all the courage and resilience you need to keep it safe. Be the heart that this broken, hurting world needs.


To all the self-doubters out there…

I want you to know that you matter, that you are powerful, that the world needs your impact. I want you to know that no one ever did anything worthwhile without a measure of self-doubt. I want you to know that you were meant to succeed, and that all success comes with some measure of failure. It’s how we learn. A failed attempt doesn’t make you a failure. People aren’t failures.  We are all just people engaging in the struggle with successes and failures along the way. Some of us are fully engaged. Some of us are waiting for the courage to engage more fully. That courage is inside of you. You just need to set it free.

Let’s find our courage together.