A New Take on Self Mastery

Written by Michelle Shelton

August 8, 2023

I grew up believing that self mastery was a process of self denial. Controlling the bad impulses inside of you, mastering your urge to indulge or be slothful and lazy. Denying yourself certain pleasures, following specific rules. 

When it came to food and wellness, this idea of self mastery was my go-to strategy. Don’t eat these foods. Don’t eat at these times. Only eat these amounts. Don’t let your physical urges drive your actions. You are in control of when you eat.

This worked great. Until it didn’t. Like holding a wall of water back against a rising tide, eventually the internal push back was too strong and all of my efforts to self-mastery were quickly undone. 

I now have a new understanding of self mastery. While one definition of “mastery” does indeed mean “control or superiority over something,” I prefer the second: “comprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject.” When you have mastered a game, it is not because you’ve managed to control every ebb and flow, every corner and turn. It is because you understand it well enough to know how to pivot, how to adjust your strategy, how to leverage your strengths, how to navigate and make sense of new plays you may not have seen before. 

Self mastery through the lens of this second definition takes on a completely different form. It is building a “comprehensive knowledge” of yourself, a skill of tuning in to what is happening inside of you and what it means, a habit of responding proactively based on what you discern. Far from controlling, it enables flexibility, empowerment, and action. 

Self mastery in this form looks like:

I am all for self mastery. But let’s let go of the need to control, dominate, or shut down. Let’s instead cultivate a deep understanding of ourselves. Let’s build skills of self awareness. Let’s become experts in our relationship with ourselves, our needs, our triggers, our emotions, our values, our purpose, and our priorities to allow our very best selves - our wise selves - to lead.