Note To Self: Reflections For a New Year

Written by Michelle Shelton

January 1, 2023

Happy 2023! This past year, 2022, has brought so much. It was hard and joyful. Your heart continued to break open and at the same time saw so much healing. You worked hard and you were much blessed.

You cried and you loved. You healed a little more each day. You are learning how to show up for your heart. You are learning to make peace with your parts. You are accessing your courageous heart. I am so proud of you. 

I am proud of how you have shown up for your life. You have carried a lot of fear from past hurt. You carry a lot of pain, feelings of rejection and abandonment. Feelings of being unwanted and unworthy of connection and relationships. Feelings of not being good enough. But you have shown up still. You have put everything on the altar, given the best you have, and still seek to uncover your greater potential. I am grateful to you for showing up and giving your best. I am proud of you. 

This year, let’s continue to heal. Let’s continue to release these burdens. Let’s release the fear because you have the courage in you. Let’s release the perfection because who you are is enough. Let’s release the unworthiness because you are good and you are loveable. 

To all my parts, I will be with you. I will be with you to witness the pain and hear your story. I will be with you to allow you to heal. I will be with you to offer love where there should have been love. To offer courage and compassion. To see, soothe, and keep you safe. I will be with you. I am here for you this year. This year we will heal.